Annual General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body. The AGM is regulated by the Companies Act and the company’s articles of association. All shareholders that have owner-registered shares and that have registered in accordance with the articles of association, have the right to participate at the AGM and exercise votes conferred by their own shares or those of shareholders they represent.
Shareholders are also entitled to have issues discussed at the meeting, provided that these have been properly notified to the Board by the deadlines stated in the notice of the AGM. Notice of the AGM is distributed by the Board in accordance with the Companies Act. The notice of the AGM or extra meeting where the articles of association will be discussed is to be distributed at the earliest six weeks prior to the meeting, and at the latest four weeks prior. Notice of any other extra meetings is to be distributed at the earliest six weeks prior and at the latest two weeks prior.
Annual General Meeting 2025
Eastnine’s AGM will be held in Stockholm on 29 April 2025. Shareholders who wish to submit a proposal for consideration at the AGM should send such proposal to the Chairman of the Board in good time prior to publication of the notice of the meeting, which is scheduled to be published in March 2025.
Shareholders who wish to contact the Nomination Committee or the Board of Directors, are welcome to send an e-mail to [email protected], or a letter to Eastnine, att. Nomination Committee, Box 7214, 103 88 Stockholm, Sweden.
Annual General Meeting 2024
Eastnine’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 was held on Thursday 25 April 2024 in Stockholm.
Shareholders who wish to contact the Nomination Committee or the Board of Directors are welcome to send an e-mail
to [email protected], or a letter to Eastnine, att. Nomination Committee, Box 7214, 103 88 Stockholm, Sweden.
To the Nomination Committee
Related information
- Power of attorney form Eastnine AGM 2024
- Information on proposed Board Members AGM 2024
- Nomination Committee´s For Eastnine 2024 Annual General Meeting
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated statement
- Board's statement regarding dividend Chapter 18 § 4 and Chapter 19 § 22
- Remuneration report 2023
- Auditor’s opinion on the remuneration of senior executives 2023
- Terms and Conditions for warrants 2024-2027
- Proposed changes to the articles of association pursuant to item 14
- PR-Notice of Annual General Meeting of Eastnine AB
- Annual report 2023 (in swedish) the english version will come v 16
AGM 2023
The annual general meeting of Eastnine AB took place on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at IVA Conference center, Grev Turegatan 16 in Stockholm.
Related information
- Power of attorney form Eastnine AGM 2023
- Information on proposed Board Members AGM 2023
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated statement
- Nomination Committee For Eastnines 2023 Annual General Meeting
- Remuneration report 2022
- Board's statement regarding dividend Chapter 18 § 4 and Chapter 19 § 22
- Auditor s statement RevR 8 Eastnine 2022 remuneration of senior executives
- Press Release Notice of Eastnine AGM 2023
- Eastnine Annual Report 2022
Annual General Meeting 2022
Related information
- Power of Attorney form 2022
- Information on proposed Board Members
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated statement 4126-2410-8341
- Nomination Committee For Eastnines 2022 Annual General Meeting
- Proposal for guidelines for executive remuneration 2022
- Proposal LTIP 2022
- Remuneration report 2021
- Auditor's statement RevR 8 eng Eastnine 2021
- Board's statement regarding dividend Chapter 18 § 4 and Chapter 19 § 22
- Press release Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022
Annual General Meeting 2021
The Annual General Meeting was held on May 5, 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the AGM was carried out only through advance voting.
- Eastnine minutes AGM 2021
- Appendix 1,7,8,9,10,11 - Notice Eastnine AGM incl. proposals
- Appendix 2 - Advance voting form Eastnine
- Appendix 3 - Compilation of advance votes
- Appendix 6 - Remuneration report 2020
Related information
- Eastnine Power of attorney
- Advance voting form Eastnine
- Remuneration report 2020
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated statement
- The Board's proposal for the introduction of LTIP 2021
- Board's statement regarding dividend Chapter 18 § 4 and Chapter 19 § 22
- Auditor statement ABL 8 kap 54§ 2020
- Information on proposed Board Members
- Press release Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
Annual General Meeting 2020
The Annual General Meeting was held on May 12.
Related information
- Eastnine Power of attorney
- Evaluation of remuneration
- Board's statement regarding dividend Chapter 18 § 4 and Chapter 19 § 22
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated statement
- Proposal LTIP 2020
- Proposal for guidelines for executive remuneration
- Auditors statment 8 ch 54§ ABL 2019
- Information on proposed Board Members
Annual General Meeting 2019
The Meeting adopted the income statements and balance sheets included in the Board of Directors’ Annual Report for the parent company and the Eastnine Group for the fiscal year 2018.
The Meeting resolved to allocate this year’s result in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, meaning a dividend to the shareholders corresponding to 2.30 SEK per share and that the remaining profits are carried forward. The dividend is distributed on two payment occasions of SEK 1.15 per share and dividend occasion. The first record date for the dividend is Friday 17 May 2019 and the second record date is Monday 18 November 2019. The dividend is expected to be paid out via Euroclear Sweden AB on Wednesday 22 May 2019 and Thursday 21 November 2019, respectively.
The Meeting granted the members of the Board of Directors and CEO discharge from liability for the period covered by the Audit Report.
The Meeting resolved that the number of Directors shall be five (5) and that the number of auditors shall be one (1) registered audit firm.
The Meeting resolved that remuneration to the Chairman of the Board is set to SEK 800 000 and that remuneration to other Directors of the Board is set to SEK 400 000 for each Director. Furthermore, it was resolved that fees to the auditor be paid according to approved invoices under a given offer.
Peter Elam Håkansson, Liselotte Hjorth, Nadya Wells, Peter Wågström and Johan Ljungberg were re-elected as Directors of the Board. Liselotte Hjorth was elected as Chairman of the Board.
The auditing firm KPMG, with the authorized auditor Peter Dahllöf as auditor in charge, was re-elected as auditor for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior management.
The Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on transfer of shares and repurchase of own shares, in accordance with proposed resolutions.
The Meeting resolved to amend the articles of association in respect of the auditor’s term, entailing that the auditor can be elected for an optional term of 1-4 years.
Related information
Annual General Meeting 2018
The Meeting adopted the income statements and balance sheets included in the Board of Directors’ Annual Report for the parent company and the Eastnine Group for the fiscal year 2017.
The Meeting resolved to allocate this year’s result in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, meaning a dividend to the shareholders corresponding to 2.10 SEK per share and that the remaining profits are carried forward. The dividend is distributed on two payment occasions, of SEK 1.05 per share and payment occasion. The first record date for the dividend is Thursday 26 April 2018 and the second record date is Monday 29 October 2018. The dividend is expected to be paid out via Euroclear Sweden AB on Wednesday 2 May 2018 and Thursday 1 November 2018, respectively.
The Meeting granted the members of the Board of Directors, the former CEO Mia Jurke and current CEO discharge from liability for the period covered by the Audit Report.
The Meeting resolved that the number of Directors shall be five (5).
The Meeting resolved that remuneration to the chairman of the Board is set to SEK 800 000 and that remuneration to other Directors of the Board is set to SEK 400 000 for each Director. Furthermore, it was resolved that fees to the auditor be paid against approved accounts.
Peter Elam Håkansson, Liselotte Hjorth and Nadya Wells were re-elected and Johan Ljungberg and Peter Wågström were elected as new Directors of the Board. Liselotte Hjorth was elected as Chairman of the Board.
The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior management.
The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to reduce the share capital by way of retirement of own shares and to increase the share capital by way of a bonus issue. Further, the Meeting resolved upon an additional reduction of the share capital by way of cancellation of such own shares that are held by the Company at the date of the notification of the resolution to the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to establish LTIP 2018 under which participants may be granted an aggregate maximum of 88,092 shares in the company subject to the satisfaction of certain vesting requirements and, for the purpose of ensuring delivery of shares, the transfer of 88,092 own shares to participants of the program. The rationale for LTIP 2018 is to promote shareholder value and the company’s long-term value creation capability by creating conditions for retaining and recruiting competent personnel, increasing the motivation amongst the participants, promoting personal shareholding as well as aligning the participants’ interest with the interest of the company’s shareholders.
The Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on repurchase of own shares in accordance with the proposed resolution.
Related information
- Minutes AGM 2018
- Notice AGM 2018
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated opinion
- Power of Attorney AGM 2018
- Information on proposed board members
- Board's motivated statement ch 18 §4 and ch 19 §22
- Evaluation of the employee remuneration system by the Board of Directors of Eastnine AB (publ)
- Proposal on reduction and bonus issue (item 14)
- Board's motivated statement ch 20 §13
- Auditor’s opinion under Chapter 8 Section 54 of the Swedish Companies Act (2005551)
Annual General Meeting 2017
This is an unofficial translation of the Swedish notice. In case of any discrepancies between the Swedish notice and this English translation, the Swedish notice shall prevail.
Shareholders of East Capital Explorer AB (publ), 556693-7404, are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to be held on Monday 15 May 2017, at 15:00 CET at IVA's
Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16 in Stockholm. Registration for the meeting will commence at 12:30.
Seminar on the development in our investment region
All shareholders are invited to attend a seminar and discussion, with representatives from East Capital Explorer and external experts regarding the company as well as our portfolio, markets and outlook.
Program (CET):
12:30 Registration for the AGM opens (registration is possible until 15:00)
13:00 Seminar about East Capital Explorer and our markets
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 AGM
Notification of participation
In order to be entitled to participate at the AGM, shareholders must be recorded as shareholders in the printout of the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Tuesday 9 May 2017 and give notice of their intention to participate at the meeting not later than Tuesday 9 May 2017.
Notice of participation at the AGM may be given either by telephone +46 8 402 90 46, on the website, or by regular mail to East Capital Explorer AB (publ), Box 7839, 103 98 Stockholm, Sweden. Please state “AGM” on the envelope.
The name, personal identification number (or company registration number), address and telephone number of the shareholder, shareholding and, if applicable, attendance of any representatives or assistants should be provided in the notice of participation. No more than two assistants may attend and only if the number of assistants have been stated in advance.
Personal data collected from powers of attorney and the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB will be used for registration and preparation of the voting list for the AGM.
Nominee-registered shares
In order to be entitled to participate at the AGM, shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee must temporarily re-register the shares in their own name. Such registration must be effected at Euroclear Sweden AB on Tuesday 9 May 2017. Thus, the nominee should be notified in due time prior to this date.
Proxies etc.
Shareholders who are represented by proxy shall issue a power of attorney for the representative. Powers of attorney in original and, for legal entities, certificate of registration should be submitted to the company at the address above in due time prior to the AGM. The power of attorney and certificate of registration may not be older than one year, the power of attorney may however be older if it, according to its wording, is valid for a longer period, maximum five years. The company provides proxy forms on the website. The proxy form may also be requested by telephone on +46 8 402 90 46.
Please note that shareholders who are represented by proxy must also give notice of participation in accordance with the instructions given above and be registered in their own name with Euroclear Sweden AB on Tuesday 9 May 2017.
Number of shares and votes
At the time of issuing the notice to attend the AGM, the company has a total of 25,661,563 registered shares, with one vote per share. The company holds 788,275 own shares.
Right to request information
Shareholders present at the AGM have a right to request information regarding the matters on the agenda or the company’s economic situation in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act.
Admission cards
Admission cards entitling the holder to participate at the AGM will be distributed prior to the AGM to those shareholders who have given notice of participation. It is expected that shareholders will receive admission cards not later than on Friday 12 May 2017. Any shareholder who has not received an admission card prior to the AGM may obtain an admission card at the information desk at the AGM.
Related information
- Announcement AGM 2017
- Auditor’s opinion under Chapter 8 Section 54 of the Swedish Companies Act
- Notice AGM 2017
- Power of Attorney 2017
- Proposal regarding amendment of the articles of association
- Minutes AGM 2017
- Nomination Committee's proposal and motivated opinion
- Proposal for decision on guidelines for remuneration to senior management
- The Boards' evaluation of employee remuneration system
- The Board's proposal on reduction of the share capital and bonus issue
- The Board's reasoned statements in accordance with 18 4 and 19 22
- Nomination Committee's Proposal regarding the criteria for appointment of the Nomination committee
- The Board's reasoned statements in accordance with 20 13
- Auditor’s opinion under Ch. 8 Sect. 54 of the Swedish Companies Act
Extraordinary General Meeting 2017
Related information
Extraordinary General Meeting 2017
Related information
Annual General Meeting 2016
Shareholders of East Capital Explorer AB (publ), 556693-7404, are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on Thursday 9 June 2016, at 15:00 CET at IVA's Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16 in Stockholm.
Related information
- Minutes AGM 2016
- Notice AGM 2016
- Power of Attorney AGM 2016
- The Board proposal on a) reduction of the share capital by way of retirement of own shares
- Proposal for Decision on Guidelines for Remuneration to Senior Management
- The Board's reasoned statements in accordance with chapter 18.4 and 19.22
- The Board's reasoned statements in accordance with chapter 20.13
- Auditors Opinion under Chapter 8 Section 54 of the Swedish Companies Act - Renumeration of Senior Executives
- The Nomination Committees proposal regarding the criteria for appointment of the nomination committee
- Proposal and motivated opinion from the nomination committee
- Information on proposed candidates
- CEO speech AGM 2016
Extraordinary General Meeting 2016
The shareholders of East Capital Explorer AB (publ), 556693-7404 (the “Company”), are hereby given notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) to be held on 9 May 2016.