Repurchase of shares
At the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the Board was authorised to, up until the next AGM, decide on the transfer and acquisition of own shares in treasury, on one or multiple occasions.
Acquisitions may take place via Nasdaq Stockholm at a price per share which lies within the registered price interval on each occasion, i.e. the interval between the highest buy price and the lowest sell price.
Acquisitions may also take place through a purchase offer which is offered to all shareholders, in return for cash, at a price corresponding to, at the lowest, the share price at the time of the agreement, with a maximum deviation of 20 per cent upwards.
Acquisitions may take place to the maximum extent that the company’s own shareholdings in treasury at each time does not exceed 10 per cent of all shares in the company.
Payments for shares are to be made in cash.
The authorisation may be utilised at one or more occasions, however at the latest up until the time of the next AGM.
The purpose of the authorisation to acquire own shares is to give the Board the opportunity to adjust the company’s capital structure and thereby to create improved value for shareholders. See the number of repurchased shares at the Shareholders page.