Focus on health and well-being
Society's view of real estate is increasingly associated with service rather than the physical space. The expectations of tenants is changing in the same way, which is placing ever greater pressure on the real estate industry to adapt the physical space after its users. For Eastnine, the person is at the heart of our properties. The indoor environment shall optimise the conditions for the greatest possible well-being of our tenants, which in turn leads to increased productivity and customer satisfaction. Eastnine has an engagement policy for tenants which encourages increased physical activity in the properties. The policy also describes which technical solutions Eastnine uses to ensure high-quality indoor air and water.
Eastnine finds a great deal of inspiration in the guidelines of the WELL Building Standards. Among other things, we have increased our communications around health and well-being in local social media and news channels, are offering activity-based furniture instead of traditional office furniture, and are implementing design elements in the properties which encourage physical exercise. Eastnine has a continual dialogue with our tenants to identify opportunities for improvement which can increase well-being in our properties. We have launched local focus groups together with our largest tenants, discussing concrete suggestions for how the properties can be used.