Corporate governance

Eastnine AB (the Company) is a public company listed on Nasdaq Mid Cap Stockholm. For Eastnine, corporate governance involves the way in which the company works and is organised for the purpose of safeguarding all the shareholders' interest and acheiving the company's objective of providing good returns in the long term.

Corporate governance at Eastnine is based on both external and internal rules. The external rules are the Companies Act, Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rules for Issuers, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code), as well as other applicable Swedish and foreign legislation and provisions. The Company’s internal rules include the articles of association, rules and guidelines for corporate governance, the board’s rules of procedures, instructions to the CEO and the policy documents adopted by the Company.

Eastnine company organisation work funnel

Swedish code of corporate governance

All companies listed on Nasdaq Stockholm shall apply the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The overall aim of the Code is to promote improved corporate governance in Swedish companies and constitutes a part of the self-regulation of Swedish industry.

Corporate governance Eastnine

Corporate governance reports

According to the Swedish code of corporate governance, the annual report shall include a Corporate Governance Report, which should also be available on the company’s website.