Environmental certification of our properties

Eastnine uses sustainability certifications, issued for the properties, as a tool to ensure a reduced environmental impact and a high standard working environment of our tenants. Sustainability certification is used as a tool to confirm that we provide our tenants with a high-quality product, not just in terms of sustainable use of resources and environmentally friendly systems, but also to ensure the tenants’ long-term satisfaction by contributing to good health and well-being.

According to Eastnine’s strategy, a certification process shall be initiated within 12 months of the acquisition of a non-certified property. At year-end 2022, 94 per cent of the area was certified with at least LEED Gold or BREEAM Outstanding (the highest level achievable within BREEAM). Our goal is that the properties shall be certified at the level of at least LEED Gold or BREEAM Excellent.

During 2022, Eastnine carried out a pilot project within the Fitwel health certification system, which is targeted at assessing people’s health and well-being. Our property Valdemara Centrs received two stars in Fitwel for its public areas, adapted for the increased well-being of the staff employed by our tenants.

LEED Green Building Rating System

The American environmental certification system LEED is a tool which measures and assigns points within nine different categories, e.g. location, water usage, materials, innovation, and indoor environment.

Eastnine’s properties should attain LEED Gold or higher.

Read more about LEED at the U.S. Green Building Council website

Leed logo

BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM)

BREEAM is an environmental certification system from the United Kingdom which measures and grades the total environmental impact of a property, and is one of the most-used certification tools in the world today.

Eastnine’s properties shall attain the BREEAM Excellent certification level or higher, corresponding to 70 per cent or more of the total number of possible points.

Read more about BREEAM at the BRE website



Fitwel is a certification system, aiming to enhance buildings and communities to strengthen health and well-being of those who live and work there.

Read more about Fitwel on their website


WELL Building Institute

The WELL Building Standard is the leading tool to develop properties from the point of view of health and well-being, and is the first tool to focus on the people that occupy the buildings.

More about WELL and the International WELL Building Institute

International well building institute logo